Reconstruction of High Voltage substation
Project “Reconstruction of KKO HV substation, section no.3” is one of the activities taking place within the Oxygen convertor steel-mill (KKO) restauration of operation in Třinecké železárny, a.s company. The selection committee assigned this task to company AUTEL, a.s. The decision was taken as a result of a competitive tendering process that included intensive technical and business negotiations.
The project covers the following services and deliveries:
- delivering the project detail design documentation
- dismantling the current HV boxes and unnecessary cable lines
- providing construction works
- delivery and installation of a new HV distribution board Siemens NXAir 6 kV, 40 kA into a section no. 3, including the addition – flesh control system of ARQTEC AQ series
- modification of the half-cells, i.e. changing 2 pcs of connection lines from the bus type to the cable type connection
- delivering a new half-cell for the power supply field
- connecting to 8 terminals from section no. 3
The contracted amount is 9 mils CZK. The project completion is estimated to the end of 2016.