AUTEL reconstructs 110 kV substation in USS Košice

In August 2017 AUTEL submitted its offer for the “RaM 110kV Switchboard T02” project to the company U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. This concerns the reconstruction of fields No. 1 – 18 of the substation using a gas SF6 insulated device with the option to replace transformers T2 and T3 including the oil coolers.

The offer from AUTEL was prepared in cooperation with the company GE Grid GmbH (Switzerland) as the vendor for the F35 GIS 110 kV substation. The critical part of the solution was the connection of the new substation to the already newly reconstructed SF6 with the insulated encapsulated No. 19 and 20 fields for the substation T02 produced by Siemens. The preference for Siemens solutions by the employees of the investor was clear.

On the basis of declaration of the vendor and the references submitted for the connection of GIS switchboard F35 to the Siemens bus-bars, the bid from AUTEL was accepted by the investor due to the competitive price and was selected for implementation.

The implementation will gradually take place gradually up to June 2020.

11:1011.4.2018 zpět na výpis

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